Glittered and GO.ZY. Christmas balls
Are you ready, guys, for the most glamourous, shining and magical holiday of the year?
Christmas is coming and to make my tree glamour (just like me), I thought of a very easy, but super trendy idea.
Here is what you need:
- See-through glass balls
- Coloured glitters
- Vinyl glue
Take a ball, take off the hook and pour inside a small amount of glue.
Turn the ball around to spread the glue evenly and, before it dries, put the glitters in and... shake it!
You can choose the colours you prefer, I chose my favourite ones: gold and silver.

Try and... happy shining holidays!
3 rules to write MoodBoards-style songs
I love writing songs! Composing songs is relaxing for me and I can express my feelings, my fears, my worries and my wishes!
Do you want to learn to write songs like those Maggie, the MoodBoards and I play at the Milky Way for you? Then, follow these 3 rules:
1) Find an appropriate and quiet place, where you can concentrate with pen and paper
2) Choose a subject that you like and that touches you… The boy you like? Your fear of the exams? Everything can give you the right idea for a song
3) Find a simple and short refrain, which you can easily memorize. My favourite one? This one!

Give it a try too! I can't wait to listen to your songs!
Ideas for a GO.ZY. & cool beach party!
Hey guys!
Are you ready for lots of trendy beach days?
Here are some tips for those who love beach parties, like me, to spend top afternoons with your friends:
- Bring lots of super chic blankets and cushions for the best comfort and order
- Diva-style sunglasses, sun cream and incredible outfits. Even on the beach you have to take care of your look....and of your skin
- you also need a guitar, to sing together MoodBoard's best songs!

And what do you like doing on the beach with your best friends?
Bianca's advise on the colors for a GO.ZY. style!
After Maggie's post, today it's my turn to talk about my favorite colors… the ones that make me feel good, fashion and always ready to go!
Here they are:
- pink: always an elegant and sophisticated color, perfect for those among you that want to be a real bon ton princess.
- yellow: cheerful, but without overdoing it, it makes me feel dynamic and ready for action
- white: relazing and glamour... just as I love it! 
What about you, which colors do you like to wear?
Spring hair style!
Fashion Friends! Spring is coming, are you ready? It's time to freshen up the wardrobe, change look and welcome the upcoming season with many new hair styles!
Which are my favorite ones? Here's my personal TOP 3:
> super chic high ponytail, elegant and always striking
> bon ton braid, a loose braid with a lace headband
> double chignon... Fun and absolutely trendy!

Which is your favorite one?
Super chic DIY rings!
Even though holidays are over, it's always the right time to shine as divas. How so? With unique and glittered accessories like DIY rings, that can be customized in a super fashion way!
Want to learn how to create them? Read here below.
This is all you'll need (purchasable at a haberdashery shop):
-ring base
-beads, bows or multicolored flowers
-vinyl glue
1) using the materials of your choice, made a super chic bow and add beads and glitter
2) Spread the vinyl glue on the ring base
3) Let dry and… GO.ZY.! Your ring's ready! And now copy, wear and show off!

GO.ZY. doodle: Stress management with Bianca!
With A+ tests and projects, top concerts and a never less than perfect style… being perfect is not that easy and sometimes I need a rest too!
My secret ? The coolest and funniest tension-relief of all: coloring doodles!

Download them, print them and when you feel stressed just let your imagination flow and start coloring!
Why don't you share your creations online? Use the hashtag #maggieandbiancadoodle!
At school with style!
Time to go back to school?
Lessons are about to start again at the Fashion Academy of Milan… and it’s time to plan the perfect outfits, and never pass unnoticed with a daily top style!
Do like me, take my ultra-chic tips:
- you just need a maxi necklace or a jewel bracelet to make any look shimmering
- do you feel kind of rock modern princesses? Match pastel colors with your buckle leather jacket
- remember, bag always tidy (like mine) with pocket mirror and lip gloss at the ready!

Try it!
The music playlist for a Bianca style day!
Music is with me every day. I just can’t live without music!
Do you wanna know which are the songs I listen to more often? Read here!
MORNING: I need energy and rhythm, something that can wake me up! Never give up is just perfect!
AFTERNOON: Here we go matches perfectly with working on the assignments, creating outfits, drinking a smoothie at the Milky Way and even with rehearsing with The MoodBoards!
EVENING: after a chaotic and busy day… I can finally get some relax with Teddy, my cucumber face mask and falling asleep to the tune of Infinite Sky!

Listen to our GO.ZY. songs here!
Do you also have your own playlist that plays during your day?
Bianca’s 2017 Calendar!
Yeah, I’m definitely the most organized person I know!
I have to if I always want to have a perfect and flawless look, I have to coordinate myself with the days of the week, seasons, parties, Milky Way’s concerts, Fashion Weeks… In other words, I need a calendar to keep up with myself!
If you also wanna be always organized as I am and you don’t wanna miss a date with the latest fashion trends (or with a special boy J ), download here the exclusive 2017 calender!

You can hang it in your bedroom or over your desk!
Mine has already been filled up with social events! Hurry up to fill yours too and start this new year in Bianca’s style!