Discover your ideal social network!

Discover your ideal social network!

  1. What would you like to be when you grow up:

    • a journalist
    • a director
    • an actress
    • a musician
  2. To express your feelings, you prefer:

    • writing a post in your blog
    • post a photo on your social networks
  3. It's time to organize the end-of-the-year show at school, you:

    • take care of the music
    • promote the event on the social networks
    • are the leading character
    • write the script
  4. In front of the camera:

    • no, thank you!
    • you start laughing
    • you feel comfortable
    • you prefer staying behind the scenes
  5. Your mobile is full of:

    • trendy selfies
    • funny videos
    • favourite quotes
    • voice notes
  • Blog

    You have a talent for writing. Why don't you start a blog where you can tell about your thoughts and emotions?

  • YouTube

    You always have something to say in front of the camera. Have you ever thought about opening a YouTube channel?

  • Instagram

    Selfies, animated GIFs and lots of pictures… Instagram is your ideal social network, perfect to express your creativity!

  • TikTok (

    A music talent like you should have so many followers on… why don't you create your own profile?

  • Repeat the test