How well do you know Bianca Lussi?

How well do you know Bianca Lussi?

  1. Where does she come from?

    • Paris
    • Los Angeles
    • Milan
    • Como
  2. How's her lovely doggy called?

    • Luxy
    • Poppy
    • Star
    • she doesn't have a doggy!
  3. What's her father's name?

    • Carlo
    • Luca
    • Marco
    • Alberto
  4. The shoes she loves:

    • Sneakers
    • High heels
    • Ankle boot
  5. Does Bianca have a Teddy bear?

    • true
    • false
  6. In which episode of series 2 does Bianca kiss Felipe?

    • ep.3
    • ep.15
    • ep.25
    • they never kiss!
  • OOPS…

    You don't really know everything about Bianca! But do not dispair, you can find

    her bio here

    ... What about reviewing a bit and trying the test again?


    GO.ZY.! You really know everything about Bianca! Keep it up!

  • Repeat the test