How well do you know Eduard Zonte?

How well do you know Eduard Zonte?

  1. Where does he come from?

    • England
    • Austria
    • Greece
    • China
  2. What's his only neuron's name?

    • Hans
    • Mark
    • Carl
    • Franz
  3. The showpiece of his wardrobe is a shirt with:

    • Emojis
    • Glitter
    • Doughnuts
    • Studs
  4. How does he calm down when anxious?

    • with push-ups and sit-ups
    • with a strawberry milkshake
    • going shopping in Milan's most cool shops
    • anxious? Eduard is never anxious!
  5. His best friend in series 1 and 2:

  6. In The MoodBoards he plays the:

    • Drums
    • Guitar
    • Bass guitar
    • Piano

    There's still some way to go. Go check Eduard's profile and find out much more about him!


    GO.ZY.! You know everything about Eduard! Keep it up!

  • Repeat the test