Which will be your GO.ZY. summer accessory?

Which will be your GO.ZY. summer accessory?

  1. You want to go on a trip with:

    • Jacques
    • Eduard
    • Maggie
    • Yuki
  2. Choose a smoothie:

    • Mango
    • Banana
    • Fragole
    • Cioccolato
  3. You would personalize your rucksack with a:

    • GO.ZY
    • Heart
    • MoodBoards
    • Fashion Academy of Milan
  4. Your smartphone's ring tone would be:

    • The soundtrack of our lives
    • In my shoes
    • A tutto volume
    • Me, myself and I
  5. Favorite emoji:

  • Colored Bracelets

    Summer stands for fun and parties on the beach! You'll be the life of the party with lots of colored and sparkling bracelets!

  • Headphones for music

    During holidays you love exploring new places. Remember to bring your headphones with you so that you can listen to your favorite music.

  • Sunglasses

    Summer is a matter of style for you. Complete your outfit with a pair of sporty and fashionable sunglasses.

  • Polaroid Camera

    You've got a super creative soul! Bring your Polaroid camera with you to take lots of snap-shots of your holiday.

  • Repeat the test