How well do you know Quinn O'Connor?

How well do you know Quinn O'Connor?

  1. Where does he come from?

    • Scotland
    • France
    • Ireland
    • Italy
  2. His greatest passion is:

    • Fashion
    • Photography
    • Cinema
    • Cooking
  3. After breaking up with Bianca in series 2, he had a crush on:

    • Maggie
    • Susan
  4. The shoes he wears most are:

    • loafers
    • converse
    • sneakers
    • waterproof boots
  5. In his circle of friends he is the:

    • snob
    • crazy
    • dreamer
    • unpleasant
  6. In The MoodBoards he plays the:

    • Piano
    • Drums
    • Guitar
    • Bass Guitar

    There's still some way to go. Go check Quinn's profile and find out much more about him!


    GO.ZY.! You know everything about Quinn! Keep it up!

  • Repeat the test