How well do you know Nausica Bianchetti?

How well do you know Nausica Bianchetti?

  1. Where is she from?

    • Milan
    • Barcelona
    • Rome
    • Berlin
  2. In season 3, does she ally with Spy NR. 1?

    • true
    • false
  3. Nausica's mother was…

    • a doctor
    • a confectioner
    • a former model
    • I don't know!
  4. In which episode of season 2, does she become the MoodBoards singer for one day?

    • episode 1
    • episode 20
    • episode 26
    • in no episode!
  5. Her motto:

    • "Friendly piece of advice"
    • "It's too GO.ZY."
    • "I love being me"
    • "Very smart"
  6. Her always different accessory:

    • mobile cover
    • earrings
    • watch
    • eyeglasses

    You still have a long way to go. Take a look at Nausica's file to find out a lot more about her!


    GO.ZY.! You know everything about Nausica! Keep going like this!

  • Repeat the test